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Cloud Hosting


n the simplest form, Cloud Hosting is the storage of client data in a secure center that features redundant power, air conditioning, fire suppression, generators, UPS, and security. These centers are also built to withstand natural disasters and in many cases have backup centers available. Cloud Hosting allows clients to enjoy the benefits of large scale IT security and redundancy at the fraction of the cost.


Cloud Application


Cloud hosting can take on many different forms depending on the client’s needs. Sometimes clients are accessing a Cloud Application which is an application hosted and maintained by another company. Most people refer to this as SaaS or Software as a Service. A great example of this is Microsoft 365 or SalesForce.


Private Cloud 

As another form of Hybrid Cloud, clients can own the servers and the application but just rent the rack space in the cloud. This is common for businesses that have very sensitive data and do not want their data on servers hosting other client’s information. This is also common in litigious industries due to subpoenas of information and possible seizure of hardware. This would also fall into the “Hybrid Cloud” category.

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